

The term SEM refers to Search Engine Marketing which used to be an encompassing term that includes both paid searches and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As the Internet further developed, SEM came to be known as directly related to paid search.

In a nutshell, PPC (Pay-per-Click) search engine marketing, or what is sometimes termed paid search, is the process of generating traffic to a particular website by purchasing ads on search engines using keywords that are relevant to their target site visitors. The cost of an ad typically work through a bidding system participated in with other advertisers targeting the same markets.


1. Campaign Strategy

Set up your SEM campaigns on Bing Ads, Google Adwords, YouTube and other search engines. Define campaign goals, create conversion tracking in Google Analytics, geo-target your campaigns and drive targeted traffic to your website at the lowest cost-per-click possible

2. Keyword Research

Find low-cost, high-converting keywords that your customers regularly use to find your business online. Set budgets, manage PPC (pay-per-click) keyword bids, and keyword match types to maximize your share of voice on the best performing search phrases.

3. A/B Testing

Tap into our in-house copywriting team to create winning copy for your SEM text ads that are on brand, on message, and designed to convert. Use proper CTA (calls-to-action) and emotional triggers to generate more click-throughs. A/B test your ad copy for the best conversion and response rates.

4. Tracking & Tools

Set up campaign conversion and revenue tracking in Google Analytics, as well as other third-party tools, to get real-time data for optimization. Create dashboard reports to pull API data from various tools and platforms and continuously optimize existing campaigns for maximum ROI.